We need your support to continue with our work

As many of you, we are facing challenging situation in rural communities within South Africa due to what is happening in the world at the moment. Before the pandemic started early on this year, we were already challenged by high rate of unemployment, substance abuse and teenage pregnancies within our and surrounding communities. Currently food insecurities, malnutrition, substance abuse and mental distress are all on the rise.

Due to these conditions that exist all around us, we feel more than ever the urgency to help our communities in need and be the change we want to see in the world! We as a citizens of this planet are standing on the threshold. The time is now! We have to redesign our human presence on Earth, walk more lightly and transform our relationship with the natural world to turn things around.

In order to continue with our work, creating thriving, resilient and sustainable community with main focus on food sovereignty and small scale farmers empowerment, we first need to build the community hall at our eco village, which will serve as a space for teaching and hosting permaculture trainings, conferences, courses on sustainability and offering healing and counseling programs. As well we need to build community kitchen, 3 guest structures and raise 5 safari tents for teachers, speakers, trainees and volunteers. We believe that permaculture practices will build the capacity of local people to make positive changes and become stewards of their land and environment. 

We invite you to support us in this fundraising call for 2021 so we can move forward and create better world! Your contribution will make an impact. Every little bit helps! Thank you!






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